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Male Fertility Test: What Is It & When To Consider It?

Male Fertility Test: What Is It & When To Consider It?

Male Fertility Test: What Is It & When To Consider It?

22 July, 2024

Fertility is not just a women's issue; men also play an important role in the process of conception. The survey shows that more than 15% of couples worldwide face infertility. However, male factors contribute 30% to 50% in such cases.

Focusing on male fertility and testing is important for couples trying to conceive. Understanding these factors can help improve their chances. Additionally, the discussion below explains how do male fertility tests work.

What is Male Fertility Test?

It is vital to know that the male fertility test is nothing but a medical evaluation. This helps to know about the ability to become a father for a child.

Usually, these tests focus mainly on health and sperms, which are essential for fertilization. For men, fertility tests will be supportive in identifying underlying problems. It may lead to a complex situation in achieving pregnancy.

When it comes to male fertility testing, the main components include:

Semen Analysis Test:

This could be one of the essential and fundamental tests to evaluate male fertility. It mainly involves analyzing a semen sample. This includes checking sperm count, motility, white blood cell presence, pH level, and volume.

This is an important test to determine whether sperm are entirely healthy and have the potential to fertilize an egg.

Hormone Testing:

For information, hormones like testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone play a significant role in sperm production. One must know that hormonal imbalances can affect sperm production and quality.

Blood tests will always help measure hormone levels to identify abnormalities affecting fertility.

Genetic Testing:

One must understand that genetic material can affect fertility in men. However, this testing will be recommended when you have severe sperm abnormalities that may lead to affecting sperm production.

Scrotal Ultrasound:

This type of test helps assess the structures within the scrotum, including the supporting structures and testicles. It also helps to find abnormalities like tumors and varicoceles that may affect fertility.

Testicular Biopsy:

In some cases, little or no sperm is found during the semen analysis. However, a testicular biopsy can be performed. This involves taking a small tissue sample from the testicles for sperm analysis with production.

It will help differentiate between a reproductive tract blockage and an issue with sperm production.

Post-Ejaculation Urinalysis:

After ejaculation, this test will help check out the presence of sperm. It can indicate retrograde ejaculation. This could be a condition where the sperm enters the bladder.

When to follow a Male Fertility Test?

It is vital to know that several situations may lead to the testing related to male fertility:

Ineffective Attempts at Conception:

Couples who have been trying to conceive for more than a year with no success should approach fertility testing for both male and female. For women under the age of 35, it is advisable to get a check after six consecutive months of trying. Well, fertility tests will be supportive in finding any issues that lead to male infertility.

Check Health Condition:

Men with particular medical conditions who get treatment in the past can impact fertility. One should know that men with a history of chemotherapy, testicular cancer, and testicular injury should consider fertility testing.

On the other hand, conditions like hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, and diabetes can impact the quality of sperm and production.

Lifestyle Factors:

We know that lifestyle has changed in recent years. When you check with lifestyle choices like poor diet, drug use, smoking, and extreme alcohol consumption can negatively affect male fertility.

So, men who are committed to such activities must consider testing and determine whether they are having difficulty conceiving.

Potential Fertility Problems:

When you are facing symptoms like swelling in the testicles, erectile dysfunction, and changes in hair growth mainly indicates physical issues affecting fertility. In this case, men experiencing these symptoms should consult a healthcare provider.

Sexually Transmitted Infections:

STIs can cause infections that will affect the reproductive organs and lead to infertility. So, men with such infection should consider fertility testing, particularly when the infection is not treated effectively.

Understanding Male Fertility Test Results

Knowing the male fertility test results is vital to move further and follow the next steps. Let’s have a look at the results that are indicating:

Normal Results:

With normal semen analysis, expect to show a 15 million sperm count or sperm per millilitre of siren. One can expect 40% sperm to be motile and a minimum of 4% in a normal shape.

However, you should know that normal results indicate no major fertility issues, but they do not guarantee fertility. There is also a chance that various other factors could impact conception.

Abnormal Results:

This type of result may indicate problems like poor sperm motility, no sperm and low sperm count. If such issues are found during this test, you will be recommended with further testing procedures.

Hormonal Imbalances:

When your hormone level is out of normal range, you should know that the issue is with your pituitary gland. It will affect your fertility. According to the results, there will be genetic counselling. Also, you can expect assisted reproductive technologies to be recommended.

Physical Abnormalities:

When the issues found from a scrotal ultrasound, like blockages or varicoceles, might demand surgical intervention for fertility improvement.

Male Infertility Treatment Options

If you get any fertility related abnormalities issues found in tests, there are different potential treatment options available.

Lifestyle Modifications:

Improving your diet, quitting smoking, avoiding drugs, regular exercise, and more can majorly enhance overall fertility and sperm quality.


By following medications or hormonal therapies, you can learn about particular issues such as erectile dysfunction, infections, and hormonal imbalances. Antibiotics may be given when infections are detected.

Surgical Interventions:

When you follow the surgeries, you will be getting rid of physical abnormalities such as blockages or varicoceles that impair the delivery of sperm. However, to improve fertility in different cases, procedures like vasectomy reversal can be followed.

Donor Sperm:

In some cases, a man’s sperm is not viable, and couples may always go ahead with IVF or donor sperm. This could be one of the best options mainly used, whereas the other treatments are unlikely to bring a successful result.

Learn More: 8 Tips To Find the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

Impact of Male Fertility Testing

Experiencing fertility testing can be a challenging task for many men. One thing is sure many of them may experience stress, frustration, anxiety during the testing. At this stage, the men need to approach the fertility testing with a good mindset. Also, you can openly communicate with your partner.

So, couples should know that infertility is a shared journey by addressing male fertility problems as same as fertility issues. Getting support from a counselor or joining support groups could be beneficial to navigating the emotional aspects of fertility treatment.

The Importance of Male Fertility Testing

It is vital to know that male fertility is an essential component of knowing and addressing fertility-related issues. This involves different tests to measure the number of sperm, health and identifies any problems that lead to infertility.

So, knowing when to follow testing and check out the potential results is necessary. The availability of treatment options can empower men and couples to make the right decision. The above discussion on how male fertility test is done will give hope for men.