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Top Foods To Make Your Sperm Thicker And Stronger

Top Foods To Make Your Sperm Thicker And Stronger

25 June, 2024

We all know that lifestyle plays a significant role in everyone’s life. When it comes to fertility, people face several challenges. Nutrition will always play a vital role in enhancing fertility. We can witness that several men are looking for healthy ways to produce new sperm.

One should understand that various reasons cause the issues, and this will reduce the sperm and produce poor sperm health. To tackle this situation and look for sperm fertility enhancement, then approaching the right sperm count increase food will always be supportive in making your sperm thicker and more robust for sure.

Whenever you plan to eat the best foods, they will help increase sperm count and motility. Also, you need to avoid foods that are entirely unhealthy. You need to know that sperm quality is considered one of the critical factors affecting fertility.

The reproductive system mainly relies on vitamins and nutrients compared to other human organs. At the same time, you should realize that foods have the potential to influence the reproductive health of a person in a significant way.

For information, it will also increase testosterone production and improve sperm count and quality. However, you should know about the best fertility treatment in Chennai like shairaksha.

Things to know about sperm

It is said to be the male reproductive cell that fertilizes the female egg during sexual intercourse. It can swim through the female reproductive system and fertilize the egg.

You should know that sperm is made of three essential components.

    ● Head: The DNA will be passed onto the offspring, which is mainly contained in the head of sperm. Also, it is coated with an enzyme that supports sperm penetration of the outer layer of eggs.

    ● Midpiece: Mitochondria produce the energy in the sperm and supplies required for the sperm to swim further.

    ● Tail: The addition drives the sperm over the reproductive system.

Is it a problem with a reduction in sperm count?

According to the sources, sperm quality has been reduced in recent years, and fertility rates have increased. Also, most studies claim that the sperm count in males is gradually reduced. This has to be considered a serious concern, and we are looking forward to tackling this situation.

Most medical professionals also mention that this situation is happening because of various factors. Yes, poor nutrition, global pollution, and your diet could be the significant reasons. At the same time, many studies suggest that some foods negatively impact sperm production.

Approaching the right foods will always help handle this situation better, making sperm thicker and more robust. The quality will definitely increase.

Foods to increase sperm quality

The lifestyle you opt for will bring changes, either good or bad. Yes, it will have a regular impact on sperm count and motility. However, when you have a proper diet, you can see that the sperm count is getting boosted and improves male fertility.

At the same time, you need to know that the results may vary between individuals. Here, we are going to discuss the top foods that have the potential to improve your sperm quality. Based on your needs, you can choose the right one for better results.


When it comes to walnuts, they are highly contained with omega-3 fatty acids. They are very vital to improving sperm vitality. The polyunsaturated fats also combat oxidative stress that leads to damage to sperm. Walnuts are highly rich in arginine, an amino acid that helps increase sperm production. So, having a handful of walnuts daily will improve sperm quality and count. It will enhance the health of the sperm cells.

Dark Chocolate:

It contains L-arginine, which is highly known for increasing sperm count and also semen volume. At the same time, it is also mainly rich in antioxidant properties, which help protect sperm cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. If you check with dark chocolate, it comes up with flavonoids that help improve blood flow and heart health.

Also, it will support the production of healthy sperm. Also, consuming dark chocolate in control can enhance energy levels and improve mood. However, overconsumption of dark chocolate can lead to weight gain, affecting sperm quality.


The availability of folic acid is a crucial nutrient to maintain a healthy sperm. Well, folic acid supports the prevention of chromosomal abnormalities in sperm. It is ensuring good genetic health when it comes to potential offspring. Also, you need to know that spinach is mainly rich in iron, magnesium, and vitamins A and C, which help with overall reproductive health.

Here, the antioxidants present in spinach primarily protect sperm from oxidative damage and increase the quality. Also, regular spinach intake will always help boost sperm count.


The enzyme bromelain is mainly supportive of improving shape and size of the sperm and count. It also contains vitamins A, B1, and C. They can potentially increase the body's ability to produce more sperm.

At the same time, you should know that the availability of potassium and magnesium in bananas helps regulate blood pressure and support heart health. For sure, it will benefit the quality of sperm. Regular consumption of bananas will lead to thicker and stronger sperm.


You need to know that garlic is highly known for its antioxidant properties. It will help protect sperm from oxidative damage and is also crucial in improving the overall sperm’s health.

It is highly rich in vitamin B6 and selenium. They are vital when it comes to healthily maintaining the sperm. If you have garlic at regular intervals, then it has the potential to boost the immune system. On the whole, it will be supportive in improving fertility.


It is essential to know that eggs are considered the best source of high-quality protein and important nutrients like Vitamin E. Also, it is vital for protecting sperm from oxidative damage. To develop sperm and produce testosterone, the availability of zinc plays an important role.

For information, the antioxidants in eggs will be supportive in improving sperm motility. At the same time, it is supportive of improving sperm health. You will get enough nutrients to support reproductive health when you include eggs in your diet.


You need to know that oysters are highly known for their high zinc content. It is also crucial for producing sperm health. Also, you need to know that oysters are highly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

They are enhancing the blood flow to support healthy sperm development. So, whether you include oysters in your diet can help boost fertility and improve reproductive health.

Brazil Nuts:

If you are looking for an excellent source of selenium, then Brazil nuts are the right choice. Usually, selenium helps protect sperm from oxidative damage and is supportive of improving motility.

It also contains protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients that support reproductive health. Also, if you add Brazil nuts to your diet, it can improve sperm quality and enhance fertility.


You should know that carrots are high in beta-carotene. Yes, it is an antioxidant that supports the improvement of sperm motility. Also, they are protecting them from oxidative damage.

Carrots also contain potassium, fibre and vitamins A, K and C. They are also supportive of reproductive health. When you regularly consume carrots, they have the potential to boost fertility.


Pomegranates are highly rich in punicalagin. It is also protecting sperm from oxidative damage. At the same time, it will improve the quality of the products. They are also helpful in increasing testosterone levels. It can enhance the production of sperm.

If you check with the anti-inflammatory properties, they will support reproductive health. For information, if you drink pomegranate juice at regular intervals, then it will help improve the sperm count. At the same time, they are supportive of reducing erectile dysfunction. It also has a good source of folate, potassium, vitamins C and K.

Pumpkin Seeds:

Pumpkin seeds mainly contain zinc. It is a vital mineral that plays a significant role in developing the sperm count and testosterone production. Also, the seeds have omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs.

At the same time, it has the potential to enhance sperm motility. If you check with the pumpkin seeds, they are highly rich in antioxidants. It protects sperm from oxidative damage and supports improving overall sperm health.

When you add pumpkin seeds to your diet, they boost fertility and support reproductive health.


They are rich in healthy minerals, vitamins and fats. It supports overall reproductive health in general. Also, they come up with vitamin E. Yes, it will help protect the sperm from oxidative damage.

For information, it mainly supports DNA synthesis and repair. The availability of antioxidants in avocados mostly helps to improving sperm quality and boost the motility. If you include avocados in your diet regularly, then it will increase fertility.


It is high in vitamin C, which mainly protects sperm from oxidative stress and enhances sperm count and motility. The availability of anti-inflammatory properties in asparagus is primarily helpful in maintaining a healthy reproductive system. Also, it promotes good sperm health.

It is also a better source of folate that supports DNA synthesis and repair. At the same time, it mainly ensures healthy sperm development. It also contains glutathione, a potent antioxidant that cleanses the body and improves immune function. So, whenever you add asparagus to your diet regularly, it will support male fertility and overall health.

Citrus foods:

The significance of antioxidants in maintaining good health has been well established. For information, antioxidants like Vitamin C are mainly available in citrus fruits. They play a vital role in developing male fertility.

Also, when you drink grapefruit or orange juice, it primarily offers the same benefits as having these fruits directly. On the other hand, for people who do not like to drink juice, adding fresh lemon juice to the water is also considered the best way to increase the sperm count.

Salmon and Sardines:

They are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, they are renowned for delivering a wide range of health benefits like reducing blood pressure and minimizing arterial plaque buildup.

Fatty acids are available among the top vitamins and supplements for improving sperm count. For information, omega-3-rich foods always play a vital role in forming sperm cells in the body.

If you have a salmon and sardines diet containing omega-3s, it will always be supportive in improving sperm motility and increasing sperm count. Also, you should know that these fish varieties offer good arginine, vitamin B12 and aspartic acid. They have the potential to boost sperm count and motility.


So, men looking forward to making sperm thicker and stronger can check out the above-discussed foods. The sufficient vitamins and enzymes in these foods will always support the development of the sperm count and improve the quality and quantity. Additionally, the above discussion on how to increase your sperm volume naturally will be effective.